Study Certificate Programs and Courses in Malaysia

Study Certificate Courses in Malaysia

Study Certificate Courses in Malaysia is an academic program that is short-term and focuses on developing skills which offer specialized knowledge and practical experience in some fields. These short courses are for domestic and international students who want to further improve their qualifications or acquire professional skills. The vibrant education sector that is home to many globally recognized institutions in Malaysia provides a wide range of certificate programs for students in fields including business, healthcare, technology, hospitality and language studies.

Many recognized universities offer these short courses such as Wollongong University, UNITEN, SEGI University, and other universities. Its strategic location, lower cost of education, and diverse cultural environment make it a highly sought destination for students across the globe. Certificate courses are essential in shaping students’ careers as they impart knowledge and skills required for better career opportunities, providing an edge to the students.

What is a Certificate Program/Course?

Certificates are postsecondary credentials that attest to a student’s completion of hands-on instruction, experience, and a particular set of skills in a certain sector.

Students enrolled in certificate programs are prepared for technical or skill-based careers in a variety of fields, including web development, nursing, and real estate. Completing classes at a private corporation, technical institution, or community college can result in a certificate. Certificate programs are also offered by several four-year institutions.

Study Certificate Courses in Malaysia

Best University for Study Certificate Courses in Malaysia

UNITEN (Universiti Tenaga Nasional)
University of Wollongong (UoW)
SEGI University
Newton International College
Imperium International College
Erican College
Masha Avenue International College
LSBF College

Job Opportunities for a Certificate courses

Project management
Digital marketing
Human Resources Specialist
HVAC Technician
IT support
Personal trainer
Web Designer
Business analytics
Court reporter
Data science

Reasons to Choose Study Certificate Courses in Malaysia?

A certificate course in Malaysia is one of the best places where you can get this opportunity. The best thing is the fact that after realizing that this country has some well–known universities, vocational colleges, and other coaching centers which offer short yet specific courses in areas like business, technology, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

In Malaysia affordable tuition fees and living costs, Malaysia is a cost-effective option for international students, and its multicultural society and rich academic atmosphere create an enriching learning environment. Students also gain networking opportunities, exposure to different cultures, and improved job possibilities.

In Asia, this country is a strategic location for all students who can easily use the pathway to move to another country for study purposes.

Study Certificate Courses in Malaysia Fees 2025

1. UNITEN (Universiti Tenaga Nasional)

Certificate Course
Courses Campus Duration Total Fees Fees (USD)
JAKIM-UNITEN Tahfiz Al-Quran Certificate in Engineering/Computer Science/Accounting Pahang 7 Sem 14,000 3,500

2. University of Wollongong (UoW)

Certificate Course
Program Name: Duration 1st Semester Payment Total Payment
Certificate in Business Communication 1 year 4 months RM 6,465 RM 25,860
Certificate in Hotel Operations 1 year and 5 months RM 7,310 RM 29,240

3. SEGI University

Certificate Course
Program Name Campus Duration EMGS First Year Second Year Total fees
Certificate Of English Proficiency (Cep) Kota Damansara 2 RM 3150 RM 20960 RM 1000 RM 25110
Certificate In Hotel Operations Kota Damansara 2 RM 3150 RM 25,310 RM 1,000 RM 29,460
Certificate In Information Technology Kota Damansara 2 RM 3,150 RM 25,310 RM1,000 RM 29,460
Certificate In Business Studies Kota Damansara 2 RM 3,150 RM 25,310 RM1,000 RM 29,460
Certificate In Early Child Education Kota Damansara 2 RM 3,150 RM 25,310 RM1,000 RM 29,460

4. Newton International College

Certificate Course
 Program Duration Registration Fee Application Fee Tuition Fee Renewal Registration Fee Total (RM)
Certificate in Law Enforcement 2 Year 1000 2500 7,000 1500 5000 17,000

5. Imperium International College

Certificate Course
Program Duration Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Fees
Certificate in Business 1.5 Years RM 8650 RM 7500     _ RM16150

6. Erican College

Certificate Course
Programs Duration 1st year Fees Total Fees
Certificate in Business Studies 1.5 years 12,500 22,000
Certificate in Intensive English 1.5 years 12,500 22,000

7. Masha Avenue International College

Certificate Course
Name Duration EMGS & others Fees First year Total Tuition Fees Total Fees
Certificate in Business 1.5 RM 4500 RM 2800 RM 8,700 RM 15,000
Certificate in Creative Design 1.5 RM 4500 RM 2800 RM 9600 RM 15,900
Certificate in Health Science 1.3 RM 4500 RM 2800 RM 19,600 RM 25,900
Certificate in Public Health Assistant 1.5 RM 4500 RM 2800 RM 19,600 RM 25,900

8. LSBF College

International Students
Program Name Duration EMGS & Other Fees 1st Semester Tuition Fees Total Initial Payment Total Tuition Fees Total Fees
Certificate In English 1.3 RM 3,000 RM 7,500 RM 10,500 RM 6,000 RM 27,000

Malaysian Students

Program Name Duration EMGS & Other Fees 1st Semester Tuition Fees Total Initial Payment Total Tuition Fees Total Fees
Certificate In English 1.3 RM1000 RM2000 RM3000 RM6000 RM9000



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