Lovely Professional University (LPU) Fees For International Students

Lovely Professional University (LPU) is the largest Private University in Punjab, India, established by the Lovely Educational Society. The university has several research centres and faculties to entertain local and international students. LPU is accredited by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and is a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). 

Total Students- 30,000 full-time enrolled students and 3000 foreign students from 50 countries

Faculty and stuff-4000


Campus Area-600+ access campus

Address- Jalandhar-Delhi G.T. Road, (Punjab), India


Lovely Professional University was established in 2005; however, it started operation in 2006. 

Lovely Professional University Fees 2022-2025


The main objectives of Lovely Professional University are to provide excellent education, establish good relations with society, and prepare students for their future careers by equipping them with modern techniques and the latest tools. 

There are many reasons to choose a lovely professional university. 


Lovely Professional University is easily accessible and is connected to the rail and road network. It is far from the airport, bus and railway stations, etc. There are several ways to reach Lovely College: plane, train, taxi, or bus.

In Campus Security

Lovely Professional University is one of the safest campuses in this world. This campus has 400 dedicated security guards and thousands of CCTV cameras. The security team comprises experienced ex-military professionals Lady security staff are specially recruited for the girls’ hostel.

LPU has Zero tolerance for drugs & alcohol. Dedicated security officials and personnel are on duty 24× 7 to keep the campus drug-free.

The University also has a dedicated fire station department with professional firefighters and a fire truck.

Hospital Facilities

This campus has a 24-hour hospital with 30 beds Placing excellent tenants includes Doctors, Paramedics, Nurses, Laboratories, Technicians, Nutritionists, and Physiotherapists. Campus hospitals are well-equipped to provide health services to universities.

Gym Facilities

A Special Gym facility is being launched at three different locations for hostels students, and mostly it has different sections for boys and girls. There is an open Gym for all, and it’s free for all students.

 Facilities for Residential Students

LPU’s residential facilities are very well organized and maintained. The management of the hostel here is very supportive and caring. LPU provides a vast library system with 11 branches. Dormitory faculty and staff provide after-hours guidance and support to students should they need academic or life advice. Students can use the in-house laundry service for a small fee. All residences have a dining room where high-quality, hygienically impeccable meals are served daily.

 On-Campus Job Facilities

Lovely Professional University is known for its dedication to research and development and its commitment to teaching excellence. Sharp students can work as teachers or teaching assistants and teach and mentor younger or weaker students.

Hotel management students can help with day-to-day operations and provide guest services. Because of contests and events, physical therapy students can support all types of physical therapy activities on campus. Pharmacy students work part-time in university hospitals and medical stores to track and record the distribution of drugs.

Residential Students can work in university laboratories and workshops. Students studying Clinical Microbiology can work as part-time assistants in medical laboratories. 

LPU sometimes hires talented students as content developers. Students help scholars find content for college websites and write blogs. They can work as lab assistants and help maintain computers and networks to troubleshoot hardware and software issues. 

Students can also work part-time as library assistants, university advisors, data entry operators, receptionists, campus guides, call centre assistants, and more.

Ranking and Awards

Lovely Professional University is a world-class university with a rich history and tradition. Lovely Professional University (LPU) was ranked in the 101-1200th position by Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE). It is also ranked in the top 200 universities in India according to the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking. The university is ranked 81st overall and 62nd among universities in India, according to the NIRF ranking. It is also ranked 37th in management, 23rd in pharmacy, 66th in engineering, 24th in law, and 12th in architecture ranking in India.

LPU India

How To Apply To Lovely Professional University (LPU)

Students can apply directly with University website or Authorized Agent

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WhatsApp, IMO, LINE, WeChat: +60182632721

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Lovely Professional University Fees 2022-2025

Lovely Professional University Fees For Diploma

Diploma Programmes 10th/O Level Course Duration Fee in (USD per sem)
Diploma in Electronic and comm.eng(ECE) 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Computer science and eng(CSE) 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering(ME) 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Civil Engineering 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Electric Engineering 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Medical Lab Technology(DMLT) 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Business Administration 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Business Administration 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Architectural Assistantship 3 Years 1950
Diploma in Fashion Design 3 Years 1950

LPU Classroom

Programmes after (10th+12th)/A Level Students

LPU Bachelor Fees For International Students

B.Tech. (Electric and Communication Egg) ECE 4 Years 2450
B.Tech. (ECE){2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 2450
B.Tech. (ECE-IOT) 4 Years 2750
B.Tech (ECE-Medical Informatics) 4 Years 2750
B.Tech (ECE- VLSI Design) 4 Years 2750
B.Tech (Computer Science and Eng) CSE 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (CSE){2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Hons){CSE-Data Science and Data Eng} 4 Years 2950
B.Tech (Hons){CSE- Cybersecurity and Blockchain] 4 Years 2950
B.Tech (Hons){CSE-Full Stack Software Devolopment} 4 Years 2950
B.Tech [CSE-Data Science (ML and AI) upgrade] 4 Years 2750
B.Tech {CSE-Big Data Analysis} in tie-up with IBM 4 Years 2750
B.Tech {CSE-Cloud Based Dev OPS Automation in tie-up with xeba} 4 Years 2750
B.Tech {CSE-User Experience(UX)/User Interface(UI) in tie up with imagine XP} 4 Years 2750
B.Tech {CSE-Cloud computing) in tie up with Google Cloud Platform} 4 Years 2750
B.Tech. Information Technology(IT) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech. Mechanical Eng(ME) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech. Mechanical Eng{2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 2450
B.Tech. (ME- Mechatronics) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech.(ME- Mechatronics){2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (ME- Digital Marketing) 4 Years 2750
B.Tech (Aerospace Eng) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Automobile Eng) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Automobile Eng){2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Robotics and Automation) 4 Years 2750
B.Tech (Civil eng) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Civil eng){2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (CE- Building Information Modeling) 4 Years 2750
B.Tech (Electrical ENG) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics eng) EEE 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (biotechnology) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (biotechnology){2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Biomedical Eng) 4 Years 2450
B.Tech (Chemical Eng) 4 Years 2450
BCA 3 Years 1950
BCA(Big Data Analytics) 3 Years 1950
BSC(Information Technology) (IT) 3 Years 1950
BSC(IT) {2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Agriculture 4 Years 2450
BSC(Hons) Food Technology 3 Years 2250
BSC(Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Biotechnology 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Microbiology 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Forensic Sciences 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Botany/ Zoology 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Physics 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Chemistry 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Mathematics 3 Years 1950
BSC(Hons) Statistics 3 Years 1950
BBA 3 Years 1950
BBA {2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 1950
BBA (Information Technology) 3 Years 1950
BBA (Finance Market) 3 Years 1950
BBA (International Finance) 3 Years 1950
Integrated BBA-MBA 4 Years 2450
B.Com 3 Years 1950
B.Com(2+2 with international

credit transfer option)

4 Years 1950
B.Com (Mgt, Accounting, International Finance) 3 Years 1950
BSC (Hons) 3 Years 1950
B.A. LLB (Hons) 5 Years 2450
B.B.A, LLB (Hons) 5 Years 2450
Bachelor of Hotel Mgt and Catering Tech 4 Years 1950
BHMCT {2+2 with International credit transfer option} 4 Years 1950
BSC (Airlines, Tourism, and Hospitality) 3 Years 1950
BSC (Hotel Management) 3 Years 1950
B.B.A (Airlines and Airport Mgt) 3 Years 1950
B.B.A ( Tourism and Hospitality) 3 Years 1950
B.A (Culinary Arts) 3 Years 1950
B.Arch 5 Years 2450
B.Plan 4 Years 2450
B. Design (interior and furniture) 4 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Design interior and furniture) 3 Years 2450
B. Design (Product and industrial) 4 Years 2450
B. Design (laser experience) 4 Years 2450
B. Design (Fashion) 4 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Design-Fashion) 3 Years 2450
B.(Design-Fashion){2+2 with International credit transfer option}  4 Years 2450
B. Design (Multimedia) 4 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Design-Multimedia) 3 Years 2450
B. Design (Graphics)  4 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Design-Graphics)  3 Years 2450
B. Design (Gaming)  4 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Design-Gaming)  3 Years 2450
B.Design (Film and Tv Production)  4 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Film and Tv Production)  3 Years 2450
B.A (Journalism and Mass Media Communication) 3 Years 2450
Bachelor of Fine Arts(BFA)  4 Years 1950
B.A (Fine Arts)  3 Years 1950
BPA (Music Vocal) 4 Years 1950
B.A (Music Vocal) 3 Years 1950
BPA (Theatre)  4 Years 1950
B.A (Theatre)  3 Years 1950
Bachelor of Arts(B.A) 3 Years 1950
B.A (Hons) 3 Years 1950
Integrated B.A – B.ED  4 Years 1950
Integrated B.Sc. – B.ED  4 Years 1950
B.Sc. Health and Physical Education 3 Years 1950
Bachelor in Physical Education and Sports (BPES) 3 Years 1950
B.PHARM 4 Years 2950
B.PHARM(Ayurvedic) 4 Years 1950
Bachelor in Physiotherapy(BPT) 4.5 Years 1950
B.Sc.,( Medical Lab Technology) 3 Years 1950

Diploma Programmes

Programs after (10th+12th)/A Level Students Course Duration Fee in (USD per sem)
Diploma (ENGG) (Lateral Entry) 2 Years 1950
Diploma (Architectural Assistantship) 3 Years 1950

Under Graduation Programmes

B.Tech. (Electric and Communication Egg) ECE  3 Years 2450
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Eng) CSE)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech. Information Technology(IT)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech. Mechanical Eng(ME)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (ME- Mechatronics)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Aerospace Eng)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Automobile Eng)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Robotics and Automation)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Civil eng)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Electrical ENG)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics eng) EEE  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (biotechnology)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Food Technology)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Biomedical Eng)  3 Years 2450
B.Tech (Chemical Eng)  3 Years 2450
BCA 2 Years 1950
BSC (Information Technology) (IT) 2 Years 1950
B.PHARM(Ayurvedic) 3 Years 1750
BBA 2 Years 1950
B.Com 2 Years 1950
Bachelor of Hotel Mgt and Catering Tech 3 Years 1950
BSC (Airlines, Tourism, and Hospitality) 2 Years 1950
BSC (Hotel Management) 2 Years 1950
B. Design (interior and furniture) 3 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Design interior and furniture) 2 Years 2450
B. Design (Product and industrial) 3 Years 2450
B. Design (Fashion) 3 Years 2450
B.Sc.(Design-Fashion) 2 Years 2450
B.PHARM 3 Years 2950
Bachelor in Physiotherapy(BPT) 3.5 Years 1950
B.Sc. ( Medical Lab Technology) 2 Years 1950

LUP India Open Auditorium

Fees For Masters Program in LPU

Programs After Graduation

Programs after Graduation Students Course Duration Fee in (USD per sem)
MBA 2 Years 2950
MBA {1+1 with International credit transfer option} 2 Years 2950
MBA (International Business) 2 Years 2950
MBA (Financial Market) 2 Years 3450
MBA (Hospital and Healthcare Management) 2 Years 2950
MBA (Supply Chain and Logistics) 2 Years 3450
MBA (Business Analytics) 2 Year 3450
M.Com 2 Years 2450
MSC 2 Years 2450
 LLB 3 Years 2750
LLM 2 Years 2750
MSC (Hotel Management) 2 Years 2450
M.B.A (Tourism and Hospitality) 2 Years 2450
M. Plan 2 Years 2750
M. Design (interior and furniture) 2 Years 2750
M.Sc.(Design interior and furniture) 2 Years 2750
M. Design (Product and industrial) 2 Years 2750
M. Design (User experience) 2 Years 2750
M. Design (Fashion) 2 Years 2750
M.Sc.(Design-Fashion) 2 Years 2750
M. Design (Multimedia) 2 Years 2750
M.Sc.(Film and Tv Production)  2 Years 2750
M.A (Journalism and Mass Media Communication) 2 Years 2750
Masters of Fine Arts(BFA)  2 Years 1950
Masters of Performing Arts 2 Years 2450
M.A Theatre and Television 2 Years 2450
M.A Psychology 2 Years 2450
M.A Clinical Psychology 2 Years 2450
M.A Philosophy 2 Years 2450
M.A Sociology 2 Years 2450
M.A Public Administration 2 Years 2450
M.A History 2 Years 2450
M.Sc.  Geography 2 Years 2450
M.A Political Science 2 Years 2450
M.A. English 2 Years 2450
M.A. Education 2 Years 2450
B.ED/M.ED 2 Years 2450
Integrated B.ED/M.ED 2 Years 2450
B.PED Education 2 Years 2450
M.PED Education 2 Years 2450
Bachelor of Library and Information Science 1 Year 2450
Masters of Library and Information Science 1 Year 2450
M.Tech (Electric and Communication Egg) ECE Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (ECE){1+1 with International credit transfer option} 2 Years 2750
M.Tech VLSI Design Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Computer Science and Eng) CSE Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech Data Science and Analytics Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech- Information Security Cyber forensic 2 Years 2750
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 2 Years 2750
M.Tech Robotics Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech {CSE-Big Data Analysis} 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Aerospace Eng) Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Automobile Eng) Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Geotechnical Eng) Full Time 2Years 2750
M.Tech (Structural Eng) Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Transportation  Eng) Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Construction Eng Full Time) 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Power Station Eng Full Time) 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Food Technology Eng) Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Biotechnology) Full Time 2 Years 2750
M.Tech (Biotechnology){1+1 with International credit transfer option} 2 Years 2750
MCA 2 Years 2450
MSC(Information Technology) (IT) 2 Years 2450
M.SC. Ag. Agronomy 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (Genetic and Plant Bleeding) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (Entomology) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (Plan Pathology) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (Agricultural Economics) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (Agricultural Extension and Communications) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (horticulture Vegetable Science) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (horticulture Fruits Science) 2 Years 2750
M.SC. Ag (Floriculture and Landscaping) 2 Years 2750
M.SC Food Science and Technology 2 Years 2450
M.SC  Microbiology 2 Years 2450
M.SC. Biotechnology 2 Years 2450
M.SC. Computational Biology 2 Years 2450
M.SC Forensic Sciences 2 Years 2450
MSC (Botany/ Zoology) 2 Years 2450
MSC Physics/Chemistry 2 Years 2450
M.SC Mathematics 2 Years 2450
M.SC Statistics and Data Analytics 2 Years 2450
M.PHARM 2 Years 2750
B.PHARM (Ayurvedic  2 Years 2350
MPT (Orthopaedic) /Sports /Neurology/ Cardiopulmonary 2 Years 2450
M.SC (Clinical Microbiology) 2 Years 2450
M.SC (Clinical Biochemistry) 2 Years 2450
M.SC (Embryology) 2 Years 2450

LPU Administration Building Photo

Lovely Professional University PhD Fess

Programmes after Post Graduation Students Fee in (USD per sem)
P.H.D (Part Time/ Full Time) (Electric and Communication ) ECE Full Time 2750
P.H.D (Computer Science and Eng) CSE 2750
P.H.D (Mechanical ENG) 2750
P.H.D (Aerospace ENG) Full Time 2750
P.H.D (Chemical ENG) 2750
P.H.D (Civil ENG) 2750
P.H.D (Molecular Biology and Genetic ENG) 2750
P.H.D (Geospatial Science and Technology) 2750
P.H.D (Computer Applications) 2750
P.H.D Agronomy 2750
P.H.D (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry) 2750
P.H.D (Genetic and Plant Bleeding) 2750
P.H.D (Entomology) 2750
P.H.D (Plan Pathology) 2750
P.H.D (horticulture Vegetable Science) 2750
P.H.D (horticulture Fruits Science) 2750
P.H.D (Floriculture and Landscaping) 2750
P.H.D Food Science and Technology 2750
P.H.D Biotechnology 2750
P.H.D Bioinformatics 2750
P.H.D (Microbiology) 2750
P.H.D Biochemistry 2750
P.H.D Environmental Science 2750
P.H.D Environmental Science 2750
P.H.D (Zoology) 2750
P.H.D (Chemistry) 2750
P.H.D (Mathematics) 2750
P.H.D (management) 2750
P.H.D (Commerce) 2750
P.H.D (Economics) 2750
P.H.D (Architecture) 2750
P.H.D (Design) 2750
P.H.D (Journalism and Mass Media Communication) 2750
P.H.D (Fine Arts) 2750
P.H.D (Performing Arts Music) 2750
P.H.D (Performing Arts Theatre) 2750
P.H.D Psychology 2750
P.H.D Sociology 2750
P.H.D History 2750
P.H.D Geography 2750
P.H.D Education 2750
P.H.D Physical Education 2750
P.H.D Psychotherapy 2750
P.H.D Pharmaceuticals 2750
P.H.D Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2750
P.H.D Pharmacognosy 2750
P.H.D Pharmacology 2750
P.H.D Pharmacy Practise 2750
P.H.D Pharmaceutical Analysis 2750

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