Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses of the verbs given

Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses of the verbs given. The hectic pace of life today causes most people to disregard the importance of exercising.

Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses

(Special Note: We are not 100% sure about the answers)

The hectic pace of life today causes most people to disregard the importance of exercising. One of the options for people to exercise is cycling. Bicycles (1) date back to as early as the 18th century, yet they do not seem to take center stage in everyday lives. Interestingly, people (2) have learned to ride the bicycle when they (3) were young, but the moment they (4) obtained their driving license, they abandon these two-wheelers for cars. Perhaps, this is because people (5) are not aware of the health benefits of cycling. Health experts say that cycling (6) offers many health advantages. For instance, it may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and fight obesity. One of the advantages of cycling (7) is that it helps one to have a healthy heart. Cycling also (8) reduces the incidences of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attack. This is because regular cycling (9) improves blood circulation and (10) keeps blood pressure in check.

Furthermore, cycling is one way to fight obesity. It (11) helps people to control body weight by boosting their metabolic rate and building muscles. However, this only (12) works if cyclists (13) practice healthy eating habits since childhood. These health advantages, however, (14) did not seem to encourage people to cycle. Many people (15) have not taken up cycling as a routine activity. It is a shame though if an easy and low-impact activity such as cycling is not promoted for the purpose of healthy living.

 Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verb given in the brackets.

Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses


It is customary for Malaysians to work at least eight hours per day if they (1) work in an office. However, this is considered as long working hours in Europe. Working long hours (2) is common for most Asian countries, such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea – all countries with developing economies. Malaysia (3) has been ranked as one of the top countries with workaholic employees as they also work on holidays. (4) Does this reputation harm or benefit Malaysia? Japan and South Korea (5) have taken the initiative to reduce the number of working hours as they fear longer working hours may cause health problems and (6) reduce the quality of life for the workers. Nevertheless, if Malaysia reduces its working hours, productivity will suffer. The Malaysian economy largely (7) depends on a productive workforce. If working hours are decreased, workers may not be able to make up for lost hours or meet employer demands. It is also feared that employers will put more expectations on workers to complete their tasks within a fairly short deadline.

Moreover, if employees (8) take long leave, it may reflect negatively on their careers. As one travel survey found, Malaysian employees take the least amount of leave for travel. The survey mentioned that this trend (9) is worrisome as taking annual leave for traveling is important for workers’ well-being. Malaysian employees are reluctant to take long work holidays because they have the option of carrying forward the unused leave to next year’s calendar. Therefore, instead of reducing working hours for Malaysian workers, a more viable solution for their productivity and the economy of the country (10) is to allocate more hours for the lunch break, currently practiced by workers in Spain. The workers in Spain take a ‘siesta’, or a long break in the afternoon for resting and doing leisure activities after lunch, and they resume working at about 4 pm. Thus, reducing working hours may be counterproductive for the Malaysian economy in the long run.

Subject-Verb Agreement error

The text below contains SIX Subject-Verb Agreement errors. Identify and correct errors.


Many people have diverse thoughts about the importance of early childhood learning. Better academic achievement, of course, is one of them. According to Ethridge (2010), the president of the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, children who attend early learning programs demonstrate higher levels of school achievement and better social adjustment than those who have no formal early education. These children are less likely to repeat a grade or be placed in special education classes since learning issues can be identified and mediated early. In addition to that, research also indicates that children who have had formal early learning experiences are also more likely to graduate from high school with better grades as they learn best when educational activities are exposed at a very early age. Thus, it will help them perform better in examinations.

On the other hand, critics of pre-kindergarten education highlight the differences between children enrolled in pre-school programs and children not receiving formal education. Most childhood education specialists claim that it is not good for young children to be separated from their parents for extended periods of time. One reason for this is children who are educated by their parents during their early developmental years experience the same benefits as children enrolled in pre-school programs, especially children receiving a lot of attention from parents. While some children benefit immensely from pre-school, it may not be the best educational setting for other children. In fact, they usually do not benefit from programs with inexperienced teachers and large classroom sizes. Parents must evaluate a child’s unique personality before determining which program is best suited for a child since not all programs benefit children the same way.

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    0 thoughts on “

      1. Sir Amar passport renewal Korte dichi 10/08/2022 akhon o passport payni…MD.Kalam BX.0293363 MYS200000894614

    1. আমি এপয়েন্টমেনট নিছি কিন্তু অনেক দিন হওয়ার পরও বারকোড পাচ্ছি না।।এখন কি করব?? প্লিজ জানাবেন।।

            1. Sir ame 26/9/2021 amr passport puj lajo te joma di kinto akono slip paini ..kokon Pete pari akoto janaben

        1. Sir ame mys number paise but ame application status cheek korle passport update ashena sir ata kobo problem hobe ????

        2. Mohammad sohel rana passport number br0247284sslep mys 200000771081appointment hoy na keno

          Appointment to kola Selangor pos 45000

    2. BL0250433

      পাসপোর্ট কবে পাবো?
      পাসপোর্টের নতুন নাম্বার কত?

      When I will get my new passport?
      My new passport number?

    3. আমার পাসপোর্ট আমি পোস লাজুর মাধ্যমে রিনিউ করতে দিয়েছিলাম। কিন্তু এখন পেন্ডিং ফর পার্সোনালাইজেশনে আছে 2 মাস ধরে। আমাকে এর মধ্যে দেশে চলে যেতে হবে।
      আমি কি এই পাসপোর্ট দেশ থেকে তুলে নিতে পারবো? যদি পারা যায় কিভাবে করব প্লিজ জানাবেন।

        1. please send back passport

          AMIRUL ISLAM
          MYS200000494461 ( POS LAJU MUAR )

          MYS200000536028 ( POS LAJU MUAR

        2. amar passport renewal jonn joma dici akhano delivery clip paini please help me give My passport…

    4. Mys200000538729
      .intrative delivery date 01/04/2021. Akhono kl high commission e ase ni.kobe asbe.infrom please.advance thanks

      1. My appointment date
        13-09-2021. But in this time don’t show barcode number. Delivery slip number mys200000616686 . Please help me..

      1. Your Passport is ready for collection. আপনার পাসপোর্ট রেডি আছে আপনি চাইলে নিতে পারবেন। +৬০১৭৬৮৫২৫৫১ যোগাযোগ করুন।

    5. Sir amar passport number BQ 0169925 slip no MYS 200000497379 amar appoinment niyece kintu amar tracking or barcode dicce na

    6. I want to check status of my workers’ new passport status, isit arrive at embassy?

      EF846794207MY – my pos laju tracking number
      my workers name:

      ABDUR RAHMAN BM0505085
      RAJAN BL0886873
      ABDUL HAQUE BM0951344

        1. please send back passport
          I want to check status of my workers’ new passport status, isit arrive at embassy?

          AMIRUL ISLAM
          RBB000014132MY ( POS LAJU MUAR )

          RBB000014755MY ( POS LAJU MUAR)

          1. Sir ..26/9/2021amar passport reneaw korar jonno poj lajo te joma di kinto ame kibabe bojbo amar passport high commission ee joma hoyse or entry hoyse ??

    7. BQ0182515 .How can I get my passport from post laju? Can you help me sir? I am trying but can’t

    8. Can you assist me to check whether these three applications are still processing or there have some technical issue?

      1. Name : Md Ariful Islam
      Passport No : BP0023618
      Delivery Slip : MYS200000577804

      2. Name : Abdul Mojid
      Passport No : BM0874647
      Delivery Slip : MYS200000577800

      3. Name : MD Asaduzzaman Suman
      Passport Not : BN0140041
      Delivery Slip : MYS200000578110

      Already pending for five months.

    9. Amar Nam Mohammad Arifurjaman,Ami 2-7-2021 Tarik poslajur madhome amar passport re enu korte dei. kintu akhono. delevari selif paini. Ki korbo bujte parchi na.
      passport nambar BQ0594600

    10. Pls help me to check this passport still showing high commission not yet many day’s ready

      1. Sir ame 26/9/2021 poj lajo te amar passport joma di sir ame jante sai December modde amar passport Pete pari ????

    11. Pls help me to check this passport still showing high commission not yet many day’s ready

    12. Hi sir
      My name is MD HOSAIN ALI
      passport NO.BP0355641
      Delivery Slip No.MYS200000603371
      Sir when I go to pick up my passport appointment for the post office when I click on my slip number another person s name comes up .RAZU AHAMMED removes this name

    13. I send my passport renew application to this Address: 166, Jalan Besar Ampang, Pekan Ampang, 68000 Ampang, Selangor. Is it ok??

      Actually, my friend said that I had to send my application to this Address: 5B & 5C (Lot No.9 & 10), Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. but I send to this address: 166, Jalan Besar Ampang, Pekan Ampang, 68000 Ampang, Selangor. should I send my application again to this address:Address: 5B & 5C (Lot No.9 & 10), Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia??.

      kindly let me know.

      1. You should have sent to this Address: 5B & 5C (Lot No.9 & 10), Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
        However, hopefully, your problem will be solved. Contact the following number via WhatsApp: +60176852551

    14. Sir,

      Today i went to Pejabat Pos Sungai Wang Plaza, Bukit Bintang to receive my passport. When they check the envelope, they found wrong passport. There was my name & address on the envelope bt the passport was someone else’s. What should i do now?

      My previous passport number is: BT0369063
      Slip number:MYS200000611453
      Barcode : RBB000552967MY

    15. Aug 18, 2021.
      Date of birth, 15.04.1995
      Renew korar jonno Application
      koreci.. Plz provide Delevary slip number

    16. Hello Sir, My 2 workers submit the application on 23-08-2021 by pos laju but Delivery Slip cannot find the Delivery Slip already 2 Months
      Khan Mohammad Mamun – BM 0547920 Pos Laju : EP825156337MY
      Miah Mohamad Yeasin – BP 0216616 Pos Laju: : EP805273303MY

      Thank You
      Frankie Tay

    17. Salam sejahtera.. saya telah menghantar dokumen permohonan untuk pembaharuan passport bagi 5 orang pekerja asing saya pada 06/10/2021 tetapi Passport Delivery Slip Information masih belum ada record. Boleh tolong semak untuk pekerje dibawah:

      HOSSAIN MD MILON – BP0327895
      HOSEN SHAHIN – BQ0115790
      MIAH RUBEL – BN0927749

      Terima kasih

    18. Hi Sir, I am still waiting for the barcode for poslaju, already waited for almost 2 months.



        1. Dear sir/Madam
          Name.Ali Hossain talukder
          P/N. BR0129302
          Sir I already take appointment before 3manth after new not coming barcode ..haw can I do help me settled than issue

          Pos laju address..
          Pejabat pos besar johur baru 80000

          Thanks all..

        2. Mohammad sohel rana passport br0247284 delivery mys 20000771081 Amar passport keno apotmmet hoy na keno ki problem janabe

    19. Name abdul sattar passport namber bq 0187625 mys200000517588 akbosor prai holo kintu pass port akhonu daka theke asena

    20. Hi sir, need your help.


      This passport has send back to the sender by pos laju.

      How can I collect the passport ? Is it possible request High commission to resend here again ?

      Look forward your reply and thank you.

      1. Passport. BY0946059
        Name. Rafikul islam
        Date of birth. 05/04/1994
        Ai passport ta onek din age joma dewya hoyese but akhono online a nai.
        Kindly check kore janaben thank you!

    21. Hi sir, can you assist me?

      barcode: RBB002068147MY

      This passport has send back to the sender by poslaju.

      How can i collect the passport? Is it possible to request bangladesh high commision to resend here again ?

      Look forward your help.

      Thank you.

    22. Pingback: Top Private Universities in Malaysia 2022 For International Students
    23. Sir 15/4/22 ami amar passport renew jonno bol address a diye felesi,ampang,selangor
      Somossa hobey ki?
      R sir kibabe janbo Embassy amar document received koresen kina
      Name:Mohammad Raton Ali
      Passport :BR0596256

    24. PP: BT0678273.
      Renewal Application was Sent by Post on 11/04/2022
      Haven’t received Slip number yet.

    25. Sir ami passport joma dici onak din hoiea gase akhon o delivery sleep Pai nai
      Passport number.BY0281272

    26. Hello dear sir, how to get Delivery slip i wanted already two month,,

      Name : Salim Reza

    27. Hello dear sir, how to got delivery slip, i waiting already two month,

      Name : Salim Reza
      P/N: BR0827306

    28. 26/07/22 date
      Passport joma disi

      akhono delivery slip ase nai

      Name – Monir Hossain
      Passport – BW0502550

    29. I’ve already mailed my documents 28/09/2022 and documents has been delivered to the high commission on 29/09/2022. But still I haven’t received my delivery slip. Name : Azizul Matubber. PP: BX0427324. Thank you


    31. Pingback: Shannon and Weaver’s Model of Communication – Site Title
    32. I have submitted my passport reissue as a student document and has reached the embassy on 14 January 2023. How will I know what my status is ? Is it being processed or not? When will I get my delivery slip. It says passport not found. Can you please reply

    33. Good ; I Learn main important issues on Visa interview ;
      My Elder son is my sponsor ; HE is an engineer & HE is working in a company in Texas;
      Now I want to know that whether I shall be asked any question in the interview about my
      Sponsor ?

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